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Here's what people are saying

What teachers are saying about imSparked:

imSparked contributes to better academic performance by helping students reduce their anxiety before a test. “

Teacher page testimonial 7

What teachers are saying about imSparked:

imSparked helps you get to know your students, who they are…. It gave me more insight about what makes them tick, and really helps teachers to develop deeper rapport with their class.”

Teacher page testimonial 6

What teachers are saying about imSparked:

“As a teacher, I really appreciate NOT having to come up with these SEL lessons on my own. imSparked is ready to go, all set up for my ease and use.”

Teacher page testimonial 5

What teachers are saying about imSparked:

“The imSparked activities are really simple & self-explanatory to the kids. “

Teacher page testimonial 4

What teachers are saying about imSparked:

“As a teacher, I also enjoyed becoming more educated myself about SEL through this program. I’d like to go back and watch more of the teacher videos, to extend my personal learning.”

Teacher page testimonial 3

What teachers are saying about imSparked:

“I find the imSparked SEL Program to be helpful, informational, and interactive.”

Teacher page testimonial 2

What teachers are saying about imSparked:

“I would encourage my fellow teachers to try imSparked, because it’s definitely worthwhile to present these life skills to students, to help them in this area.”

Teacher page testimonial 1

How Can I Facilitate imSparked?

Initiate a group dscussion, after showing imSparked video to class.
Assign students to independently watch particular video during class, with written response activity.
Students make their OWN selection, depending on their needs - develops agency.
Assign a topic from the imSparked playlist, for incremental development of skills in specific area.

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